By your utilizing these Vitals you are assenting to our terms which are as follows:

Terms of Use

  1. You are agreeing to be acting as a woman or a man accessing this product in the private by way of a donation – this, you agree, is not a purchase.
  2. You are agreeing that you are not attempting to claim any titles of a governmental or non-governmental agency or organization whose purpose is to enforce a legal code, act, or statute or to carry out any mission of entrapment or investigation.
  3. In proclamation of your right to optimize your wellness and prevent chronic disease, you are agreeing that you are taking full responsibility for managing your own affairs and doing your due diligence to educate yourself as to the safety and risks of the Vitals you are accessing. While we strive to maintain a very high standard of quality and sanitation in our Vitals, nothing we offer is at this time approved by any state or federal agency for sale to the public. Again, you are agreeing that you understand that all access you have is in the private.

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