
Grassroots Access Intrinsic Network Systems.

The GAINS are systems of a network whose fundamental intention is to support the sovereign wellness of all people by giving access to fundamental needs and symbiotic wants for free, which can only made possible by directly and constantly considering the resources and the overall state of the planet we all share as our home. 

It’s an ongoing project that we’re not clear whether we can find or will need to support to create. We’re currently seeking out some of the main people we know of who have been sharing these visions with us. 

So meanwhile here’s a vision that we are in alignment with of a project trying to create a ecotech regenerative hubs network in the video below and below that we’ll share websites that have networks that align with elements of the vision while we continue to find something we holistically align with. 

Networks that exist in partial alignment:


Spring water network

Intentional Communities:


Alternative Now

Food directly from farms:






Stay in the know!